Second round of Functional Testing Training

In 2019, a little more than a year after starting to generate employment opportunities for people from the transgender community, we organized together with Proyecto Nahual the first functional testing course aimed solely at the community.

From that first moment, we understood that training is one of the pillars of TransTI’s mission. An objective that focuses on equalizing knowledge so that those who have had, and still have, different paths in the acquisition of knowledge, can level up, learn current tools and apply for qualified jobs.

Promoting equity in technology moves structures. For us, including diversities in the digital labor world is a necessary contribution that, assumed with responsibility, can significantly reduce inequalities.

TransTI and Proyecto Nahual embrace the same objectives, that is why since last April 8 we repeated the experience that left, at the time, excellent results.

Several of the people who were trained in 2019 work as testers, some in TransTI and others in companies in the sector. These concrete data show us that working with partner companies and organizations enhances the achievement of the goals we set ourselves and weaves a network of wills that grows and allows us to think about new challenges.

We know that software testing is an important gateway to the labor market, so we tell you what the course consists of and what its objectives are.

What does it mean to be a software tester?

The task of the tester is to ensure the quality of the program, that is, to make it work according to the requirements for which it was designed, detecting all errors at an early stage.

This activity ensures that the product reaches the customer’s hands with a high quality.

What is learned?

Technical Skills

Planning, design and execution of test cases reporting the errors found according to industry standards.

Soft Skills

Solidarity, respect, commitment, self-confidence and proactivity.

Management Skills

Teamwork, logical and analytical thinking. Self-management of tasks and time.

Hopefully this new edition will leave the same or better results than in 2019.

We thank Nahual Project for its commitment to generate impact and invite those who read us and want to be trained to follow the news in our social networks.

Picture of dcoletti
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Temas Trans – TI