A super successful trans Entrepreneur strives for Transgender inclusion in Tech

“Joan Westenberg launched PR and branding firm Studio Self at the end of 2019. Despite Covid-19 setting her back before she’d barely begun, she’s come back stronger than ever, with Studio Self passing six figures in the space of six months”, according to a Tess Connery post in Mediaweek. https://bit.ly/3pCnjTX Joan Westenberg talks on how […]
So… Why do we do what we do?

March 31st, The day of trans visibility is always a good excuse to stop the daily maelstrom and take some time to reflect. Several months ago, in a radio interview with Lalo Mir, he asked me one last question: And why are you doing this? referring to Trans-TI, of course, I answered him with a […]
Trans-TI: “What comes of love is always something better”

Article posted on Intive’s blog by Paula Becchetti On July 18th we had the pleasure of receiving the visit of Vanesa Perelló and Luvia Montero Velandia, from Trans-TI. What’s Trans-TI? In this article we will tell you all about this organization, and how you can support it or become member. Trans-TI draws on the following […]
Being Trans in Argentina: the Challenge of Surviving Past 35
Luvia and Tatyana, two young trans women living in Argentina, talk about their dreams, fears and life goals in a country where, according to a recent report, a trans person is murdered every 96 hours. by Emilse Pizarro for Infobae (Spanish), June 7th. Luvia (left) and Tatyana (right) work at Trans-Ti, a startup launched by […]
The Story of Tito, the Trans Boy from Mar del Plata Who Had His Birth Certificate Amended
On May 14th, at a registry office in Mar del Plata, 5-year-old trans boy Tito had his name and gender markers changed on his birth certificate. This was the necessary step prior to the issuing of a new Identity Card that reflects the gender he has identified with ever since he could talk. By Sandra […]
Judge’s Verdict Favored Her, But She Is Still Denied a New ID with the Gender “Trans Femininity”.

By Agencia Presentes (Spanish), May 15th In March this year, a historic verdict by Buenos Aires City’s Civil Court 7 favored trans activist Lara Bertolini’s petition to have her gender marker on her ID changed to reflect her self-perceived identity: “trans femininity”. But now the RENAPER (the Argentinian National Registry) has appealed the verdict and […]