Our 2022 Balance reflects a year of success and achievement!

During the year 2022, seven new clients trusted us, which allowed us to expand our portfolio of offers and services. The number of resumes we have in our database has grown significantly as well. We now have more than 300. We hired 14 new employees, which represents an increase of 58% compared to 2021. In addition, 2 of them (Tanya and Caro) became part of the permanent basis at Cargill.

Our new office has been inaugurated with the intention of preparing a meeting space for those who would like to work in person and for future training sessions. As a result of months of hard work, we have obtained ISO certification for quality assurance of our call audit service. It gives us great pride to know that we have established a strong foundation for this business unit that keeps growing 🙂

Additionally, we formed alliances with organizations such as Wingu, Contratatrans, Globant, and Potrero Digital during the year. Throughout the year, we were present at several events relevant to our community. From our place, we support these initiatives that make the Travesti-Trans community visible and expand its contacts and support networks. We were part of the Opening of the Pride Week of Buenos Aires, BA, of the Festival for the travesti-trans labor inclusion (FILTT), the annual event of the CCGLAR Chamber of Commerce LGBTQ Argentina, and we were present in the most multitudinous and multicolored Argentinian Pride March yet.

In short, the year 2022 has been a year of more learning, challenges and small victories for Trans-TI. Our team is happy with these results and we continue to work on identifying and promoting new business opportunities, as well as generating a positive impact on the Travesti-Trans community.

Picture of Sara Quintana
Sara Quintana
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Temas Trans – TI