Sophie Wilson: The transgender brain inside today’s smartphones.

Sophie Wilson: The transgender brain inside today’s smartphones.

Multi awarded computer scientist Sophie Wilson also a transgender woman was honored again in 2021 with a Distinguished Fellowship by the British Computer Society, in recognition of  her pioneering work, as one of the scientists that made possible the development of ARM processors, considered the brains inside today’s smartphones.

Read all more about this awesome historical transgender tech scientist in the British Computer Society website,

“Sophie’s advice to young aspiring computer scientists is straight-forward: “I haven’t had to do a job interview in my life – I got the job at Acorn by demonstrating that I could do things. My basic message is – become passionate about something, practice it and do it well.”

“Sophie is a Fellow of the Royal Society, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Women’s Engineering Society, a Fellow of the Women’s Engineering Society, an honorary Fellow of Selwyn College, Cambridge and an honorary Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). She has an honorary doctorate of science from Cambridge University and a CBE. She is also an honorary fellow of the Computer History Museum and was a finalist in the 2013 European Inventor of the Year in the lifetime achievement category.”

Photo Sophie Wilson, European Patent Office.
Picture of dcoletti
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